

The 音乐系 at the 十大彩票网投平台, through its innovative curriculum and exemplary faculty, offers educational and creative opportunities for 音乐家和音乐教育家. Propelled by an increasing music student population, a newly created graduate degree program, and a highly active concert series featuring accomplished soloists and diverse ensembles, the department continually embraces new artistic experiences that balance the rich history of music with emerging music of 21世纪. The department is an important asset to the University of 南 Alabama and a valuable resource for the entire Gulf Coast region. 


Sunday,  9月tember 29, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 1205
美国交响乐团 & 美国管乐团音乐会
10月1日,星期二,晚上7:30 - 9:30
Location: Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 1205
Kip Franklin, USA 教师 Clarinet Recital
10月7日,星期一,晚上7:30 - 9:00
Location: Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 1205
美国音乐会合唱团 & 大学合唱团秋季合唱音乐会
10月8日,星期二,晚上7:30 - 9:00
Location: Laidlaw Performing Arts Center 1205


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